Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chapter 4

What a lot of interesting technology is out there for teachers to use. I really like the idea of student blogs so that they can write what they are thinking or needing help on in real time. This is more effective than a traditional method of journaling because the teacher has immediate access to the students' work as soon as it is posted.  Also, students may feel more free to ask questions through the blog. Many students don't like to raise their hand to clarify information but the blog makes that a more private solution.  Also, I had not considered how important on line learning could be for small school systems to offer higher level classes to students who need them but be unable to obtain them within their own school system.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I was very disappointed with my web page grade.  My own fault though. I didn't even realize I hadn't added the GOOGLE presentation.  What was I thinking? Oh well, try , try again and make sure I start using a check off list like I do in my preschool classroom. The web pages I went to that my classmates made looked AWESOME! Great job!

Friday, October 15, 2010

chapter 3 tools

WOW ! What a lot of information!! I found out about things on the internet that I had no idea existed and have been able to share them with my 20 and 17 year old.  I really feel this class is going to benefit my sons as much as it does me. They use the internet a little but mainly just use their cell phones for texting (they don't have access to internet from phone).  I think as they look at the information I am providing them, it will make their college careers a little easier. That online bookmarking is going to be a lifesaver! I have had to tell my husband several times that we can't go on a trip because I have an assignment due and since we don't have a laptop, I couldn't carry my research with me. With online bookmarking , I will be able to log in from the hotel computers and continue where I left off! I am so excited about this!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Classroom webpage

I was so nervous about this assignment but ended up thoroughly enjoying it! My page may not be as cool looking as some but I think I hit the high spots.  I did have problems with my useful links page and even the instructor's ideas didn't work so who knows what the glitch is! I was excited to share it with the families I work with and my boss. My favorite part of it was my art survey- it has a very cool look to it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapter 2

This chapter and article made me really stop and think. How will we , as teachers, be sure the information our students' obtain from the web be factual? With all of the conspiracy theories and the like, how will we be sure our students learn to filter fact from fiction when many websites look very official?  I did like the Revised Taxonomy's use of verbs instead of nouns.  Learning does need to be very hands on and active. I just returned from the TAEYC conference in Chattanooga where I saw my first SMARTBOARD ! HOW COOL ! I could have played with it all day long except for the lady behind me who kept clearing her throat! Hmmm.  I must admit, I am technologically impaired and am in despair about my web page but seeing the SMARTBOARD and having a hands on experience made me re-evaluate my abilities and I am going to go back to my web page creation and try , try again!