Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last assignment

WOW!  I must say. This last assignment has me worried. After reading and watching the video about the future of a classroom, I am so unsure if I will have the "stuff" to be an effective teacher since this is my THIRD attempt to place this on my blog!  REALLY?? I am just not this dumb but technology is really a challenge (other than email which I do very well) :)   I chose the mountain as my background because to me it represents this class, a tall , slippery slope.  I tell my preschoolers to always say , "I think I can, I think I can" and I am really having to practice what I preach.  I have tried to get my web page going with no success.  I haven't figured out if it is me or my older computer but I have a horrible feeling it is ME!! Our poor professor, I may have to do a "drive by " for instruction! My first inclination is to drop this class and save my GPA but I know it will still be out there if I want to finish my degree and I have NEVER quit anything in my life so 45 years is probably too late to start but I will take any and all prayers offered!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

My first post

This is my very first post, on my very first blog which took me almost three hours to figure out! This class is one I probably should have taken in the classroom setting because I really need my hand held! Dr. Alexander ,please be patient with me- there are sure to be a lot of emails asking questions!